General Information

  • Classes for all students are offered Mid-August through May. Special Classes and camps are offered during the summer months (June, July). 

  • We have a waiting room for dancers only prior to classes beginning. Parents may walk younger dancers into classes/dancer waiting room via the front door and then will exit back through the front door. If you need to make a payment or ask our office staff a question, you may do so at this time! As we are trying to reserve space in the waiting areas, we do not have a parents waiting room at this time.

  • ELEMENT Huntsville, Inc., generally follows the Huntsville City School District schedule for holidays and days closed (your monthly tuition already takes into account the days that the studio is closed).  The price of tuition is based on an average of four weeks per month and is not altered for months with holidays, etc. in which less than four weeks are held.  The extra lessons received during any five-week month are applied to the days that school is closed for the holidays.  If a student decides to drop a class (or all classes) , immediate notification must be given to the office staff. This will avoid over-billing if a child is no longer in a class. Non-attendance is not considered withdrawal from class. If a dancer drops a class or all classes, this will go into effect on the first day of the following month. Tuition is not adjusted in the middle of the month.

  • During the regular season, the studio is open for classes from 3:30PM to 9PM, Monday-Thursday.  Office staff can be reached by phone or email from 4PM-8:30PM, Monday-Thursday or by appointment.

Holiday Showcase

Before Thanksgiving Break, ELEMENT will present a holiday showcase showing off what your dancer(s) has learned up to this point.  This is in place of a parent's week at the studio and allows us to introduce the theater environment  in a smaller production.  This is great fun for both dancers and parents alike!  The Holiday Showcase fee of $50.00 is collected at the time of registration and is non-refundable.  

Annual Performers Showcase

At the end of each season, ELEMENT will present a full blown professional showcase of our performers’ talents. Participation in the showcase will improve your child’s stage presence and confidence. They will have the opportunity to participate in a professional production, learn theater etiquette and show off the progress they have made throughout the year. 

Showcase Fee Package

The annual Showcase Fee is billed per dancer. This fee assists with the showcase costs: facility rental, sound, lighting, props, set, tech crew, and other production needs.  We do not charge an admittance fee at the Showcase. 

We also provide a video link so your dancer can see his or her performance!  We provide the link to all 3 shows.  All families are required to purchase the video link as part of their Showcase package.  

Costume fees will be determined by the specific costume selected for each dancer’s class.  They generally range from $75-$115 per costume.  

All these fees will be billed as a Showcase Fee Package and can be paid in three (3) payments.  The fees are non-refundable.


See the ELEMENT Events Page.